sábado, 24 de abril de 2010



Pymes for they initials in Spanish meaning little and medium companies, in our days is a new different way to give credits from people to have an idea and wants to created a small business. This is an opportunity to develop ideas from people who wants they own small business. As example, In Costa Rica many women wants a small factory to create cloth or have a mini super market to be closer from hers family and more attend with the children.

Some man prefer make a Pymes to do an electronic system or be real this idea that every single day is in they memories. Pymes is a solution of money to some families have they own business like a flower shop, a restaurant. Of course, this credit is for people that have an idea and want to develop in some place, for that they have to go to a bank or a financial company and shows their idea. If they idea is approved the financial company give them the money. People have to paid yield but to a little cost.

This kind of opportunity is an option to get job. This opportunity is not only for the owner company it is too for other people to need be employed by the company

9 August Rush

August Rush

August Rush is a movie that shows us the love exists between parents and children. Is based about a girl called Lyla, She plays an instrument similar like the violin in a Philharmonics Orchestra in New York city. In this place, Lyla went to after party and knew some guy called Luis, who talked about starts, our music inside and how this music guides our lives. That night, they are in love and on the morning she wake up next to him. She was scared because she never did that action, she went to his hotel and his father was waiting to leave the city.

Months later, She had the notice she was pregnant. Her father was not happy because he wants to his daughter was a grateful musician and a kid in her way could be a distraction. So, near to the nine months of pregnant she suffer a car accident, she went to the hospital and his father said that the doctor could not save child life. But really, He signature to the child would be in adoption.

Laly thought every single day in her child and Luis. Eleven years later, his father talked with her in the hospital because he is near to die. He confesses about he signature to the adoption’s child. Laly flied from New York and found some information about his kid.

During this time, Evan, Laly’s child, said that he hearing music inside him and this music is based in his parents love. He was living in a boys house to be adopted, but he escape and went to New Your city to trade to found his real parents. Evan knew different kind of people, some of them help him and another used to won money this happened because Evan has a gift, he could play music only with hearing. He started to compose music and some good friends leave him in a musician school. Some time later he compose a symphony and his mother was elected to play this symphony. But she did not know his child composed that symphony. This day, they found in family because his father “Luis” went to the concert and recognize a Laly like the girl who stolen his heart.

8 Religion


Hinduism is a religion called from the new era. Hinduism is not like other religions. It is most be like a philosophical system to live in peaceful state. Hinduism has rules that you most have to consider to have a successful live. They divide these rules in four goals. First of them is Kama; this goal has to be with pleasure and to enjoy your self and your couple between love and sexual desire.

Second one is ARTHA; this is a goal to get riches and obtains success. Number three is DHARMA, this is a moral duty in part you leave your own pleasure to find a better common pleasure. However the final goal is MOKSHA because this is a liberation of cycles lives between material world and the begging to Nirvana state. Nirvana is a state to get peace, harmony, and success for your self.

Hinduism people believe that everything wrong you did in this world you paid here. If you have a bad Karma, you could reborn in an inferior animal like a caterpillar, but if you make god actions be nice with people and keep the goals to could reborn in a better human or in a special animal

7 Soccer Game


Soccer is a very popular sports game. In this game you have two opposing teams trying to score a goal for their team by hitting the ball into the other side’s soccer goal. While this can be a fun game both to watch and play there are a few basic rules of soccer that need to be followed. These are mainly ways to keep the game from turning rowdy and very dangerous.

In the first part of game you will have to, have two teams who are willing to play against each other. The very first basic rules of soccer should come into play as soon as both of these teams are on the field. There should be 11 people on the field who are going to play the game. The rest of the team should be sitting or waiting on the sidelines only. They must stay there unless they are needed to go on the field.

In the most basic rules of soccer besides having fun you should make sure that you control the ball with the rest of your body. You want to be sure that your hands and arms come absolutely no where near the soccer ball or the other team will get a free turn at playing and your team will have to begin the defensive soccer ball game.

When you are playing this game you will need to make sure that you don’t tackle the goalkeeper. Doing a move like this will only earn your team a foul. This is a penalty, which will let your opponents have a free turn at trying to score a goal. Of all the basic rules of soccer is that of winning the game by having the most goals scored. You must try to achieve this by playing fairly; otherwise your team will lose valuable points.

So besides the basic rules of soccer what else can you expect? You should try and avoid any diving tackles as this can cause injury to the person that you are tackling. You will need to invest in the right soccer equipment that your soccer team approves of. In addition to this there is only one main rule that you will need to remember. From all of the basic rules of soccer this one counts the most – have fun.

6 My Mom

My Mom

Rosa is my mother’s name. She is the woman who I most admirable. My mom is 53 years old. She is Peruvian, but she is here in Costa Rica, since 1976. My mom came to Costa Rica because one of my uncles came before and found a better kind of life in San José than Peru. My uncle said it was better that my mom and my grandmother lives here because was more peaceful and Costa Rica had a better possibilities to get Job.

So, two years latter after my mom arrived in Costa Rica, she falling in love with my father and they get married one year after. My father is a workaholic guy, but sometimes he is very chauvinistic, and my mom has to fight with that. My mom is very important for our family and for extensive family too. She tries to resolve everybody’s problem, because she likes that everybody be happy. When she could not help people, she got depress, and sometimes cries a lot. She is worrying for everything around her. I remember, when I was in the school, my mom leave me every single day in my school, she does not care if was raining or sunny. My mom has two sons and one daughter, and she always cares for us. She did not leave us with some relatives almost was necessary. My mom studied with us, and she helped with our homeworks.

Because of that, she is the woman most important in my life, when I will have my own kids I hope to follow my mother’s steps.


Holy week

Holy week is a period of time that some people use to go to the church and procession. Someone’s uses this week to get more harmony or peaceful with they self or with they families. However, exist people that take this week to go to the beach or stay in home getting a rest.

In my family, we use this holy week to get closer, we trays to fix our problems and have a peaceful home. Some times we do a dinner or lunch to talk about our troubles and to listen some advises to get up for this problems. We do not go to the Church, but we respect saint days. MY father had the tradition to do not eaten anything on Friday saint and another tradition is that we do not eaten meet for three days.

We do not believe in holy weeks myths, like if you take a bath on Friday saint, you go in be a mermaid. Another myths that my mom remembers when she was a child are “If you brush your hair, you get be bald”.

I think that Holy week is a period of time to be all right and forgiven people for the bad actions. It is a time to talk with God and ask about our own forgive, because sometimes without guilty we offend other humans with our actions.

Diana Bustamante



In our days, a trend that I see around the World it is an IPOD. This is an electronic device that changed the way you hearth music. In this IPOD, you can listen music, see photos, play video games and in some of them you can take photos or videos. They are in different colors and MB capacity.

On the IPOD touch you can get Internet connection WiFi via, is very cool because you can chat with your friends, review you email even connect to facebook.

I think that the IPOD is a trend because everywhere you go, you can find one of them. At the Gym, most people have one. In our days, some child in school age asks from their parents if they can have one. Other kids asks if they parents can by one on Christmas holydays.

Diana Bustamante